Poem: Invocation

By Edward R. Snow


May the weary, sighing for God’s embrace, feel themselves cradled in her arms.


May those who desire to know their Mother and are not satisfied with less know joy.


May those who give themselves away to know her dwell in Wisdom’s home.


May those who desire her coming, but cannot believe, be comforted. God speaks through the honest.


May those who long for her presence, but have family and friends who are troubled, feel her love.


May those who are troubled because of sisters or brothers who talk with our Mother, but give them place, feel God’s love.


May those who cannot find her in religion hear her voice in contemplation, feel her caress in the wind, and see her likeness in others.


May those who love truth and seek for justice, freedom, and light find that they are Wisdom’s disciples.


May those who pray for new eyes and ears discern her presence and know that it could be her breath blowing love into their hearts and vision into their minds.


May those who seek her in sacred books find her.


May those who seek see in Jesus’ gracious words and works the acts of the Daughter also.


May those who call out to Father in need be granted wisdom to discern when the Mother’s voice answers.


May those who can accept God as woman see God’s image in their own reflection.


May those who do her work be called her children and those who walk her paths meet her on the way.


May those whose words of desire—bursting from their lips—call for the veil to be lifted, see her revelation.