2014 Sunstone Symposium Survey

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  1. Except for the “Why We Stay,” and the “Pillars of My Faith,” there was very little that represented the Practicing Mormon, by which I mean one who is active in his/her ward and perhaps, just perhaps, carries a Temple Recommend.. I don’t think we can afford to leave those folks out without risking becoming an
    additional question asked of people who would like to enter the temples: Do you attend or support Sunstone in any way? I don’t want that, but its going to take some more centrist topics for us to remain viable to orthodox members.
    I know you can only present papers that are submitted, but perhaps some solicitation should be done of others we haven’t heard from. It would be good to hear from the late Lowell Bennion, etc.

  2. Katherine Pollock says:

    As an active Mormon looking into what Sunstone could offer me, Christina’s comment makes me sad. Seth Payne put his paper up though, and I enjoyed that. I hope you can find more people to represent those who practice.

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